Special Education Profile Public Summary

2023-24 SPECIAL EDUCATION PROFILE (Based on 2022-23 data)

DISTRICT STAFF: Please note this public version of your profile does not include your required actions and compliance status. For this information, please log in to your district profile using your OH | ID portal.

Every year, districts receive a Special Education Profile that shows their progress over time in meeting their goals for students with disabilities. The design of the Special Education Profile helps districts use data about the academic growth of group of students to keep improving their special education programs. These data give schools answers about kindergarten readiness, achievements levels, access to the general education environment, preparedness for life beyond high school, services for children with disabilities, and equitable services and supports.

In this public version of each district’s profile, the Department masks indicators for which there are fewer than 10 students included in the calculation to ensure student privacy. These indicators are displayed as "NR". School districts and community schools that do not have data will also display an “NR” for the affected indicator.

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Select the district or community school from the resulting list, then click "Get Data".

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